Water Bottles or Clear Containers
May be used to conceal clear alcohol such as vodka. Water-bottles can also be turned into make-shift bongs.
Can be soaked in alcohol and inserted for absorption that won’t show up on a breathalyzer. Certain tampon packaging can also be used to conceal drugs and likely go unsearched.
Cellphones and Laptops
A Juul charger is plugged into the laptop, it looks just like a flash drive intentionally marketed to youth
Air Freshener/Fabric Refresher
Air fresheners, candles and incense and fabric refreshers help mask odors from smoking marijuana, nicotine, other drugs and burning odors. Aerosols can also be used as an inhalant.
Outlet Cover
May be unscrewed, removed and used as a secret hiding compartment for drugs or alcohol.
Blunts and Blunt Wrappers
Blunts are cigars (wrappers) that have had the tobacco removed and replaced with marijuana as a result it looks just like a cigar. .
Cellphones can give you lots of information as to what, if anything, your teen has been up to. This could include: where drugs and other illegal items have been purchased and contacts for accessing and selling drugs
This sweatshirt is specifically designed so one can discreetly vape through the drawstrings odor-free.
It looks like a regular hat, but there’s room inside the headband for hiding drugs.
Hairbrush Flask
It looks like a regular hairbrush, but is designed to hold alcohol.
Cough Medicine
Cough medicine contains dextromethorphan or DXM. If taken at doses above recommended amount, DXM can cause a high or intoxication and won’t show up on a drug test. DXM is also in cold/cough medications. Mixed with a flavored sodas, it is called “robo tripping” or “skittling”
Room Accessories
Bedroom items such as tissue boxes, lamp shades, and hollowed out textbooks or remote controls may be used to hide or disguise substances, alcohol or pills.
Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping Devices
Many of these devices look like a USB, medical inhaler, pen or highlighter, and not like a traditional cigarette and easy to conceal. These odorless devices are used to smoke marijuana oil, nicotine and other synthetic drugs. E-Cigs and vapes produce aerosol which is extremely harmful to your health.
Energy Drink or Beverage Cans
The top of energy drinks, soda and iced tea cans, unscrew to reveal a hiding place for drugs or other contraband can be bought online. Energy drinks can also be mixed with alcohol to exasperate the high. Empty cans can also be used to smoke marijuana.
Eye Drops
Used to mask red eyes caused by alcohol, marijuana or other drug use.
Marijuana Edibles
Edibles are food items infused with THC that is absorbed into the bloodstream through the liver. It is very easy to consume more than intended since it takes 1 -3 hours to feel the effects. This is how marijuana overdoses happen when consuming edibles. Examples include: gummy bears, nerd ropes, brownies, hot chocolate, or powdered cheese.
Markers, Pens, Highlighters & Duster Cans
Markers and pens can be hollowed out to store drugs and or snort/smoke some drugs. Some markers and duster cans can be inhaled to get high or “huff.”
Pipes and Grinders
Pipes come in all shapes, sizes, and materials and can be used to smoke many types of drugs such as marijuana and harder drugs like crack and meth. A grinder is used to break up marijuana buds for rolling in papers.
Lip Balm Container and Lipstick
Lip balm container can be used to store marijuana concentrate or honey butane. These and lipstick and also be used to conceal other small items such as pills.
Makeup Compact
Powder on mirror can indicate being used to “cut” drugs or hollowed out to conceal drugs.
Matches and Lighters
Matches and lighters can be used when smoking drugs like meth or marijuana.
Mouthwash and Mints
Mouthwash and mints can be used to mask odors from drug and alcohol consumption. Small mint containers are a popular storage place for drugs such as pills, pot, or heroin. Some mouthwashes that contains alcohol can also be used to get drunk.
Asthma Inhalers
Inhalers contain albuterol, a drug that can cause a high by taking higher doses than prescribe.
Some vaping devices are made to look like inhalers.
Fruit with Holes
Apples, potatoes, and other fruits/vegetables can be used as a make-shift bong for smoking illegal substances by carving two holes — usually marijuana.
Stuffed Animals & Throw Pillows
Drugs or other paraphernalia can be hidden inside.
Can be soaked in alcohol and inserted for absorption that won’t show up on a breathalyzer. Certain tampon packaging can also be used to conceal drugs and likely go unsearched.
Trash Can
Trash cans can contain items that may indicate drug use such as burnt tin-foil, notes with suspicious names/numbers or “420” which references marijuana.
Good Vibe Marijuana Stickers
This sticker signify the teen is interested or involved with marijuana.
Twist Ties
Used twist ties are used to tie up baggies which can contain drugs.
Razor Blade
Could indicate self-harm or preparing drugs such as marijuana or cocaine.
Decorative Bong
Bongs come in all textures and sizes and could look like a piece of artwork.
Wall Hangings
Drugs can be hidden behind pictures, posters, fabric wall hangings or other decorations hung on the walls.
The inner sole can be lifted and drugs or money can be stored underneath. Online companies manufacture shoes with hidden compartments for this purpose.
Hollowed Out Book
Bedroom items such as tissue boxes, lamp shades, and hollowed out textbooks or remote controls may be used to hide or disguise substances, alcohol or pills.
Nip Bottle
A Nip (miniature bottle of alcohol) is inexpensive to purchase and easy to hide.
Phone flask
A flask designed to look like an iPhone but when the lever is lifted, a spout pops up and you are able to drink alcohol stored in the container.
Appears and can be worn as a bracelet but it is a flask which is suitable for carrying alcohol spirits.
Pokeball closed
The ball is designed to look like a toy but is intended for hiding dab oil and can also be used to hide drugs as well.
Slushie vape
A vape that has 8000 puffs looks like a slushy which can be mistaken for candy or even a toy.
Pop socket
This pop socket is placed on the back of a phone with a secret compartment where drugs can be hidden.